Waaban Crossing
In partnership with the City of Kingston and indigenous communities in the area, we worked to develop a visual identity, name, and tagline that would reflect indigenous history and ties to the land, and the natural beauty of the area. It was also important that the crossing be viewed as not just a roadway, but as a bridge between communities.
Waaban is an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word that has several meanings and interpretations relating to the eastern direction where the sun comes up, the dawn of a new day or the morning light.
The visual identity is a combination of colours, fonts and visual elements that create a cohesive image in the viewers’ minds to remind them of the feelings and experiences they’ve had at the Waaban Crossing, as well as the symbolism of the bridge as a place of healing and reconciliation, community connection, and the meaning and intention of the name.
The tagline helps tell the story of the bridge, the history of the land around us, the people and animals that are here now, those who have come before, and those who will come after us. Each word connects to a different relationship or action for those who are in and around the crossing, an invitation to “reflect”, “connect” and “flow”.
City unveils Waaban Crossing visual branding